You’re supposed to remember big dates in life aren’t you? Well… I nearly missed this one. Okay, I missed it.
I was thinking my arrival in France happened in February, 2012, in fact, that’s what I always tell people, but I guess that’s when I arrived in Provence… after my first week in Paris which started January 25th, 2012.
January 25th, 2012 marks 10 years of adventures in France. I spent some time yesterday reading old entries from that first week of wandering on my own through the city. It was my first time traveling solo, eating a sit-down meal solo, and being in a language I had utterly forgotten.
Some people dream of a place for years and long before they arrive they’ve made a checklist of places to see and things to do and I didn’t have any of that. I had curiosity and a dream I’d had one day of living in the south of France that got under my skin so much that I left my steady job in Canada having saved as much as I could in 6 months, sold off most of my belongings and headed into the unknown with a strict budget and no plan of earning an income for the foreseeable future.
I borrowed an old laptop from my sister, my camera was always at my side and I did my best to document that season in life unsure of where it might lead me.
10 years later and life looks pretty different. Jérémie and I got married and had two kids, we’re still slowly renovating the house and planting the yard with as much as we can. I still have my camera in hand, we still mash up French and English and my love of good food, wine and travel remains though admittedly the travel portion of our lives has slowed considerably (as it has for most of you too)
I’m sure there’s much to say and if you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them!
(below are a few snapshots from 2012, in no particular order neither my best nor my favourites, some of debatable quality, but they were what I could muster in a pinch without completely going down a rabbit hole)
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