
Third Trimester Check In

third trimester check in vine and the oliveI’m officially into the third trimester and for the most part, this pregnancy has been going well. It may have started out looking a bit dodgy in the first trimester, and then there were a few weeks in the second where I had to be on bedrest (since baby was headed for the door) but things seem to be steadily improving and I have finally been able to get a little movement back into my daily routine between yoga, long walks and some strength training at home. Things have been anything but dull of late as life has a way of throwing a curve ball or two our way but we’ve been meeting the challenges with a certain measure of enthusiasm and grace that I think couldn’t be said for just anyone.

Part of our weekly routine includes getting out exploring different parts of the forest that we live next to*. It’s so vast and great cardio as you weave around the massive stones and up and down hills. It’s the perfect place to get lost in after lunch (I always make sure to have a full battery on my phone for the gps – no joke.) But most of all I just like the fresh air and the time to get out of the house before I really start waddling. 

Jeremie has returned to making art, I’ve been writing more than ever and we’re continuing the work on the baby room or perhaps it’s the room we’ll share with baby until the reno’s in our room are finished since it’s a never-ending shuffle of furniture around here despite there being four bedrooms. The work is never done… We joke that we should sign up for some home reno show. Is it a half-joke? I still don’t know…

One thing I know for sure is that when you’re constantly moving the furniture from one room to another it’s similar to the feelings you have when you move house. All the excess must go! I think it’s helpful timing in some way and it supports my general desire to have less, but of higher quality, for all of us, including baby.

Since I’m a little more lively we’re attacking the baby prep a bit more. The car seat and bouncer have been purchased which we’re relieved about. Most of the items on our hospital check-list are ready (well, for the baby that is… I’ve not yet put together what I’ll need.) The sewing and other various projects continue as I put to good use things that were lying around the house anyways so you can expect to see more toys, teethers, pants even a little baby gym appearing on the blog in the next while.

Decisions are yet to be made on what model of stroller to get but I’m pretty certain you won’t steer me away from a Bugaboo. As much as I try to consider all the options, I always end up back at square one. When we love walking in the forest this much (and I know I won’t always want to use the carrier) and with the cobblestone streets of Europe, I’m set on something that is top quality and that will last. The other big decision is cloth diapers. The brands available here aren’t all the same and I don’t know where to start but if I can even start with a small amount to supplement disposables while we figure it out, I’m considering that a win. I know it’s a little more work but the savings are huge both for our bank account and for the planet. It’s a win/win in my books.

Speaking of books, thanks to the recommendation of a friend I’m knee deep into, “Mindful Birthing,” by Nancy Bardacke which I’m thoroughly enjoying. I admit that sometimes it’s a little hard to comprehend having a child in another country and another language even and so having more concrete information and a better understanding of what to expect and the reminders that my body just knows what it’s doing feels like the right thing. There’s a steep learning curve to having a baby abroad and up until Saturday I still didn’t have my medical card for my appointments here (which means all expenses have been out of pocket… until now! You can insert a huge sigh of relief) so I wasn’t making the best use of everything available to me, as I just wanted to be sure it’d all be covered. I’m excited to don my striped maternity swimsuit in the coming weeks for prenatal classes in the pool among other things! 

What else can I say? I’m sure there will be lots to add on each month as I start to pack my bags, prepare the freezer with food and hopefully, we have a room to decorate, or at least sort of, because I admit I just want to set up the crib and/or the bassinet and then stand back, clap my hands with excitement and a huge smile as we wait for the day when this little man decides to make his entrance. 

Expect lots more updates. Maybe a little shorter than this one, but updates none the less.

If you’ve got great baby stories or prep that you think will make this transition easier I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. My only request it to keep it positive! 

*The lands surrounding us were formerly royal hunting forests and still, even now every Monday is dedicated to “la chasse” or, the hunt! Sometimes we even see men in formal riding attire on their horses, with dogs and trumpets, it’s quite a scene and unfortunately those are the days I never seem to have my camera on me (but I do have some photos here from a couple years ago when we stumbled upon a local festival, complete with trumpet competitions, when my best friend Robyn and her family came to visit! Talk about a cultural experience!)

Foret de Fontainebleau Vine and the OliveForet de Fontainebleau Vine and the Olive

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