
choses à penser

Today is inspection day. I can’t wait for it to finally be over. I’m tired of heading back day after day to finish up one last thing. Sadly I packed a screw driver I needed to get a couple screws out of the walls and I need to putty them up, but it might just have to be as it will be.

This move just seemed tedious. Not that any move seems to hold high esteem but it bore a different kind of exhaustion. You have to hope that in any major move you learn something… only collect that which you really want to move. At this very moment I have a trunk full of things headed for the sally ann. Is this trip #5? I’m not sure… I’ve lost count.

Above are a few things I’d have liked in my new room. I kept the owl since it’s so small but the beeswax orthodox candles, vase and camera were all packed away to perhaps be seen in 8 months. Speaking of cameras… Will someone PLEASE keep me accountable to shooting a roll of film this month? I have a bunch of old rolls and it seems so strange now to see people using film cameras but I want to take a roll and make each shot intentional and go back to the way things were, even just for a brief moment in time. Yesterday I likened the season to Chocolat but when I think of these rolls of film it’s a bit of an Amelie moment where she pulls out her instamatic and grabs snapshots. There’s something about having to wait and see what turned out and if you got what you wanted from your slow observation of a situation. I wonder if I’ll be as careful as I once was, or if I’ll be more careful.

While packing up last week I found a box with old photo albums and in it were photos from Guatemala, Romania, Ukraine and Italy. Each trip was captured on film and as I looked through the shots I realized I had some really great gems that I’d forgotten about because they don’t exist on a hard drive. Makes me wish I’d had a few of them enlarged and on my walls all these years. There was one from Capri, Italy looking down a cliff and below was this path that was a tight serpentine and it looked to have been crafted by a skilled stonemason and at the end was the prize of an ocean of azure. As beautiful as it was I knew I had to put them back in the box, tape it up and wait to see what the future holds before I could decide the fate of the negatives. I love photographs. I’ll never have enough walls for them.

I’ve wondered it a few times. But I’m going to put it in writing. I wonder if I put up some of my travel photos whether past or future on Etsy… would anyone buy them? Never know… It doesn’t exactly break the bank to find out, but it’d be nice to take a few photos of Paris or Provence and share my take on these cities to others who want a piece of it for their home. Might help me fun my volunteer trip.

Lots of things to think about…

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