

It’s hot out. It’s not deathly or anything, especially at this altitude where it’s 5 degrees cooler than Nice and Cannes, but I keep getting lightheaded all the same. Also part of the experience is the insane number of flies. They’re everywhere and they crawl all over you in the maisonette

Having as many photos as I do to triage it’s taking me forever and a day to post. It’s such a big job and I hate feeling like the one who incessantly sits on her laptop day and night because, let’s face it, it’s not exactly my ideal evening but it’s the only way I ever get a chance to post.

Last night I got to experience fresh artichokes! Maybe Olivier is catching on to the fact that I love food experiences and so he’s been kind enough to prepare me some of the things I’ve really wanted to try. Over the weekend he prepared a wild salad of foraged goods (because I was saying how much I love foraging!) from nettles to clover flowers and poppies too! Tasty! So then when I was gardening I was asking how you know when the artichokes are ready. “Ils sont parfait!” So before I had a chance to get around it a small bunch were on the counter and ready to be cooked. I’m so glad I’ve been able to experience some variety, things I never though I could or would like but here I am loving some of them.

In other news – Today, I prepared possibly one of my worst meals. Ugh… seriously? I know sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it needs to happen so we press through or just get more in tune with what we’re doing and knowing the limits. I however decided to do something knowing I didn’t have enough lemon… then the rice wasn’t ready thus over-cooking the meat and by the time we ate the salad the rice was overcooked too… Seriously?

Just great…

So that’s that. Maybe tomorrow I’ll post Nimes. But don’t get your hopes up just yet! Tonight we are having a going away party for Keoni as he drives back to the Atlantic Pyrenees tomorrow morning and it’s been a long day… and I’m in the kitchen, on the farm, in the garden… and trying to do this too!

Also I realized I forgot the day before I went on vacation – the Cannes festival was on and I was staying at Gunta and Janis’ house and they graciously took me for a walk along the beach so I could see the red carpet for myself when it was actually in use. Sorry guys… I didn’t spot any stars but I sure did run into some characters!

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