Back to the travel log!
After leaving Arles and visiting Les Baux we headed toward Nîmes, I insisted because of course, I loved it the first time, why not spend another moment enjoying it now that I’d seen a few more sites! As we started to find our way into the city we entered via the run down, underbelly of the city and my dad was not impressed. I admit, I was a little worried as we drove in and knowing he wasn’t too excited, but I tried to be positive knowing it had charmed me before and surely it could be done again!
We had heard the night before that it would likely be the Feria, and sure enough the city was roped off, loaded with carnival rides, a sea of red scarves (a souvenir I regret not taking with me) and more than a million visitors.
It was a lot to take in, and a stark contrast from anywhere we’d been yet. Around the city were demonstrations, music, beer gardens and lots and lots of street food, including an amazing coconut ice cream – one of my ice cream making favourites!
This was possibly one of our bigger splurges since hotel prices were higher during the celebrations and it just seemed like an opportunity not to miss! We were fortunate to find the bull-run, see the inside of the large colosseum, I introduced mom and dad to Olivier + Co’s selection of amazing goods and generally enjoyed the mass of people. I can’t help it, I love city-wide excitement!
While it certainly wasn’t the same atmosphere of my original visit, I still loved it. Probably one of the only cities I love that isn’t on the water. I don’t get it, but thankfully there’s no pass or fail here.
In other news – mom I discovered something late in the game… Because I never drink fruit juice OR soda… what you wanted to order was citronnade not limonade.
Explanation = Limonade is soda, citronnade is lemonade. Go figure. Lesson learned.