
Lindy Bout VII

It was nice to finally have a weekend. My body aches from three weeks of work back to back and it was time to enjoy a deep breath. Sadly, even with a few extra days, I still felt achey and sore. Somehow in the middle of this I decided to give my more courageous/adventurous self another whirl and so when asked to go out dancing with Robyn and Ryan, I said yes, to their surprise. Instead of coming up with the usual lineup of excuses about not having a partner or being too exhausted it seemed like I might as well just go and so off we went in our dresses to the opening night of the annual Lindy Bout happening in the Strathcona district of Vancouver. There were many casual competitors trying their hand at improvisation with ever changing swing partners which was fun to watch and this was one I managed to catch on film!

Lindy Bout VII from Vine and the Olive on Vimeo.

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