When Jérémie came to visit over new years and I decided I’d allow myself a week of gluten filled goodness since I was, “on vacation.” One cannot simply sit back and watch the consumption of a croissant across the breakfast table every morning without sharing in the experience. I like a challenge but torture isn’t what I had in mind. I’d like to say my self control kicked back in as soon as I dropped him off at the airport and I’ve cut the addiction to that doughy goodness, but I’d be lying. Instead, I’ve been enjoying all that gluten has to offer including itchy skin, a messy complexion and a general feeling of “grandeur” but not in a good way. I’ve been enjoying it all so much I even found myself making pastry dough a couple nights ago. The worst part is, aside from the first day, it never seemed to bother me while we were away and it leads me further to the conclusion that when I’m entirely relaxed, my body is happy to process food, even breads but since I’ve returned to the regular routine it’s hell as usual.
And while we’re on the topic of food… It’s safe to say that part of my life, when I’m home, is thinking about what I’ll eat for the next four day pairing. I give you, the contents of my lunch kit:
-Two mixed Salads with cilantro lime yogurt dressing
-Rice and beans cooked in chicken broth with cinnamon sticks and a piece of jerk chicken
-Glass Noodles, cashews, chicken satay in peanuty sauce for lettuce wraps (lettuce not pictured)
-Mushroom Leek Risotto
-Yogurt (for 4 breakfasts)
-Granola (for 4 breakfasts)
-GF Cornbread x3
-Tamari Almonds
-Prunes (the ones at costco are AMAZING)
-and a couple cans of tuna that didn’t make it in the photo for emergency protein
-2 apples (not pictured)
-4 kiwis (not pictured)
The first month my lunchbag was terrible. Figuring out what to pack and how much can be incredibly difficult and uninspiring but I’m learning to take a few more risks, especially now that I know what hotels have microwaves/fridges and where to find them if they aren’t in my room! One tip I also learned was to always carry fruit with stickers for crossing borders, it doesn’t always keep you safe but it can help you save a few items for the afternoon craving! Now that I’m learning the ropes I can eat healthier and save my pocket change for better things, a great timing considering I just allotted 20% of my income to go toward the company share plan. Here’s to frugal living!
20% – wow !! thats alot of eggs in one basket – diversify un peu svp…