
Kehei, Maui

My job has a few perks. One of which is that I get to travel and see things I otherwise wouldn’t if I were forever behind a desk doing the old daily grind that I used to call normal. Sure I waiver about whether or not I’ve made a good decision for my future but I can say that for the moment, it’s probably a good fit to have me wandering about and not too firmly rooted just yet. I had a short layover in Maui, long enough to bike around for several hours but not long enough to get fully lost or to see the entire way around the island. Occasionally I stopped to take in a view, some photographed, but most of which I just breathed in along with the tropical air. It was my first time to Hawaii and already I know I want to see more. It’s a good thing I’m flying in again on Thursday!

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  • susan baldwinDecember 13, 2012 - 01:52

    love seeing those palm trees!!ReplyCancel

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