
un déménagement partiel

I never officially mentioned it, but I moved back to Vancouver… sort of.

By sort of what I mean is that I, and a couple bags, made it to Vancouver… the rest of my belongings, my car, all still remain in Calgary. Deep breath in, deep breath out. How does it feel? Confused. I feel a million times better being near the coast but finding a roommate or an apartment has proven to be a greater challenge than I anticipated. Every time I thought I saw a door opening, it closed and both times it seemed it was probably for the best. While my head knows it’ll all work out, it’s hard to sit tight and wait it out at the generosity of my friends when I can’t see anything coming on the horizon.

Even making the decision to move back was hard. Jérémie urged me to go back to the place where I clearly felt more at ease, where I seemed to speak more fondly of. Moving another time zone away felt such a shame but he’s right, better to be happy in those few days I’m home than out of sorts. I still question if I shouldn’t have tried out Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal… but I guess for now I’ll just live in the moment and hope a home comes available for me. Living in a spare room definitely feels odd and dust never really settles as I’m in the perpetual cycle of packing, unpacking, washing and repacking.

I’ve come to my parents house for the weekend. I had an order for soap and a couple items were lacking so I was here to set up my “atelier” once again. Yesterday was so hard to get started but I have to admit, I still love doing it. I hope I can make more of it and enjoy what it has to offer. I don’t have much desire to sell at local markets these days but I’d be happy to wholesale some more.

As for my life in flight? This weeks travels took me to Halifax. It was a foggy day and I didn’t have too much time but I donned my thin raincoat and scarf, mittens and ear warmers with my camera in hand and took a few photos to enjoy this little maritime beauty.

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