My last week in Paris and I was a mess of emotions. Long hours at the office, my heartstrings being pulled by coming home too soon, by distraction, by everything. As always when I was in Paris I was swept into a bit of an inner frenzy that really only Cheri knew about… She would call me and I would unload the latest happenings and try and gear up to keep going through the week. My boss decided that because it was the last trip to Paris we could go to Euro Disney, which seemed like a welcome change of pace. It turned out to be a rainy awful evening and I learned that although I don’t care much for animation, I also don’t care much for Disneyland. The lines, the people, the prices, everything about it seemed to irritate me. Nevertheless I made the most of it and soon made it my mission to turn this dark, dreary night into a fun outing. My little red Toms on my feet I thought it most appropriate to start puddle jumping like a happy 3 year old child. I could hardly contain my laughter and soon we were all drenched just a little more than we were before (though not much more…) We ate terrible food, waited for everything and Elenie even busted her car in the Autopia causing a severe traffic jam.
That aside, Elenie and I made friends at the Eiffel tower with some sweet Americans traveling about after a summer schooling program they were each taking abroad in various countries. We enjoyed the lights sparkling on the tower and just ate up the whole experience as perfect tourists (granted I was no longer feeling like much of a tourist, having seen it many times before.)
After one of our other long work days we rented the Velib bikes and went around the city for several hours and I took us on an “interesting” route, which I found the humour in, as we all were crashing into barriers that formed the small pathways through a massive construction zone. If you can’t beat it – laugh at it in the face, right?
When Friday rolled around I was the only one left around. I had four days on my own to finish up this leg of the journey. It was the best and the worst all rolled into one. My heart ached so badly I could barely eat I was so sad and the other half of me was thrilled at how well everything had gone, how the week had unfolded… The only question left is… when do I get to go back?