
Week 1 of the capsule wardrobe experiment

Well can I just say day 2 was a dream. I woke up and knowing it would be hot out I could either choose between light pants or a skirt if I wanted to stay even remotely cool, so I chose a skirt. Two choices, that was it. I didn’t even think about the shirt I just saw what looked light and the outfit was made. Done. It was almost exhilarating.

Since day two? I have to admit it’s been that easy. Day 3 and 4 were during the weekend and so I’m sorry to say I only took off my “drywalling” clothes for an hour on Saturday just to run and get sushi in the village, Sunday I never actually put on any of my capsule wardrobe. I can happily say I remained in ripped jeans and a work shirt all weekend to try and get a few more things crossed off our VERY long to-do list for this house. I can now finally understand how it feels to get a really large piece of wallpaper ripped off in one go, and yes, it does feel great.

One unexpected turn in this experiment has been that taking daily photos, which I was honestly dreading, has been incredibly helpful. I didn’t like the idea of being photographed daily because it felt like it would be so self absorbed BUT it’s been so helpful. What exactly do I mean by “helpful?” I mean that every day I see myself from an outside perspective and it’s helping me to understand what’s not working for me and what I don’t particularly want to take forward in the future.  The importance of this information is pretty vital if I’m going to build a slimmed down wardrobe from this point on because I want the little details to work for me and not against me, keeping with the french art of putting myself “en valeur” (meaning to wear what brings value to your body.)  Also this week I’ve learned that somehow my skirt is too big and my black skinnies are driving my crazy and slipping about which makes for really awkward moments of me tugging at my pants all day long, this is new and entirely annoying. Here’s how things have looked since day 1. 

Have any of you decided to secretly embark on a capsule wardrobe or if you were going to do one what would be important for you in creating it? 

Day 1 capsule wardrobeDay 2 Capsule wardrobe

september capsule wardrobeseptember capsule wardrobe

september capsule wardrobeseptember capsule wardrobe

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