
quelque chose à faire quand il n’y a rien à faire

It’s hard to believe that I’ve posted more than 100 times on this blog that literally started as something small, something unexpected, just a way that I could journal the happenings of life as I find myself abroad. It hit me the other day when I realized I’d tipped over into the third digit but I’ve finally done it! Somehow I’ve managed to stick with this lovely little blog and while I don’t tend to it every day I do like to make sure it gives you some idea of life here and so I can look back at all the things that have happened.

It’s true that in the South, and on a mountain no less, life is much slower. I’m not used to the pace but I am trying to become more accustomed. This might be part of the reason I can’t seem to post every day. Not to mention I was off in Paris for a week so that took me away from my laptop and kept me plenty busy wandering for a second time and working hard both in French and English!

Anyways back to life here… A few weeks ago Murielle went to see family and when she came back all of a sudden there was a foosball table hiding away in one of the empty dormitories or “baby-foot” as they call it in France pronounced “bab-ee foot.” I found Janis and Murielle hidden away playing an intense game and it echoed along the walls and out onto the terrace.

Late one Friday night Olivier was making his clay crusted rooster and his bread and as everything was in the process of cooking we all took to the “field.” I have to say, my skills have not improved at this game. Sure Nan used to have a table in the basement, but seriously, I have as few skills on this table version as I do on the field. I’ve been having fun watching the European football games of late and it just doesn’t translate. Regardless of my lack of skills I still have the desire to go see a game of proper football one day, something that Joss planted in me sometime in high school. Yep… still there.

So this is one of the small things we do on those quiet nights. We also like to watch movies, English films dubbed in French (have I mentioned that they’re REALLY good at it in France? The words all line up with the actors!) and sometimes we watch the originals too, but either way I sometimes forget the films are in French. WOO! Other times we get crafty in the kitchen, we got on little hikes around the site and a badminton net has been put out front too! So glad summer starts early here – even if today I’m in a humid cloud.

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