

It’s a tea drinking kind of day. Sniffles set in a couple days ago but I’m determined to fight them off early! Only a couple weeks left of training and I’ll be off to Mexico and California on my first flights!

I may never have mentioned it on here, but I’d been hoping to be whipped into shape again through culinary school. I wanted to be broken of my bad habits and start working on more character building traits and while I haven’t made it to culinary school (YET!) it appears that ground school is doing a pretty good job of getting the ball rolling. When Amy came home last night and realized I was in the process of finishing all my homework not due for two more days she commented on how she was the exact opposite and I had to give my head a shake when I realized, I TOO, have always been the very opposite. Nevertheless, here I was sitting next to the fire after a day of work curled up with my laptop getting my assignments completed for my next class as well as a few other assignments for next week so I could enjoy today off and a little less stress next week. Somehow, I’m developing new habits I never thought I’d be able to do even making it to work 15-20 minutes early every day. It feels good to be finally getting it together, to be working hard and seeing the results. If only there were a way to tell your younger self how this felt, how much you ought to just challenge yourself…

So all morning I’ve been just taking it easy, working on a holiday schedule for work in the hopes of getting some overnights in Maui, time off for my Grandmas birthday in Saskatchewan and planning another little vacation in January perhaps. This is all much more exciting than the search for housing, which I also started this week, and came away entirely frustrated. Luckily there’s no rush for me to leave my current place, only my desire to build a little nest to call my own.

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  • LesleyNovember 8, 2012 - 00:27

    You look like you’re going to make a great stewardess! BTW, Travis says you should live in Bridgeland, Crescent Heights or Sunnyside. You might also like Mission, but it’s easier (and nicer?) to live north of the river.ReplyCancel

  • lesleyNovember 8, 2012 - 00:28

    Also, you should phone if you want more tips. I don’t even know your phone number!ReplyCancel