
Un aventure dans un autre direction.

The weeks have been grey and cool and it was a sudden shift from the indian summer turned bitter autumn, skipping those moody mornings full of fog and mystery which typify my favourite season. Along with changing seasons, I’m on the cusp of my next adventure, one of mixed emotions and full of the unknown.

As is very uncommon any time I’m in the midst of a move, I had time to spare this morning. I somehow managed to get most of my things packed up yesterday and today was simply showering, placing my pyjamas in my suitcase and loading the last few bags into the car. I sat and wrote a little “tell all” to Wilson, since she’s the furtherest removed and somehow it just seemed the right person to share with. It could be summed up as, “I’m excited, but.”
You can practically hear the cracking of the spine as the page turns to reveal the next chapter. Unfortunately it hasn’t come with a coy title but rather, it’s numbered. Sometimes a new job, a new city comes with answers but I just feel as though I have more questions than ever and some of them are good, some of them I can’t catalog. My imagination fails me on this one, there are too many open doors and I can’t tell what’s behind any of them. In some roundabout way, I think I’m allowing myself to move because if I stay, nothing changes, nothing is challenged and everything remains what it has always been. In my experience humans need challenge in order to have a breakthrough and I can see, a breakthrough would be good for me.

I struggle with the fact that Calgary, is in no way, France. Should I be telling myself I’m one time zone closer to Europe? No? Okay, I agree, it probably won’t help. What I can see, is that in this move, I might be moving away from my beloved coast and into more opportunity. Everyone says Calgary is great and while I like it, I hope I can see what everyone else sees about this place, enough to last, but not enough to remain forever. I’ve taken a job as a flight attendant for a prominent Canadian airline and on Monday, I will enter 5 weeks of intensive training. Bon Voyage?

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